Want to make your own crochet data visualization project? Check out the resources below for recommendations and to learn how the Stats to Stitches projects were created.
Crochet Resources
- Learn to crochet:
- There are countless resources online for learning to crochet:
- TL Yarn Crafts’ Learn to Crochet video is a great deep dive for beginners
- Left handed? Bella Coco has a series of videos for learning to crochet left handed
- Sarah Maker’s guide on crocheting for beginners is a great resource
- Check your local library or community center for classes
- There are countless resources online for learning to crochet:
- Ravelry:
- Find patterns, read about other’s projects, and create projects of your own using this craft social media site
- Youtube:
- There are countless patterns and tutorials on YouTube for beginners and more advanced crocheters alike
- Reddit:
- r/crochet has everything you need to know about crochet in their FAQ section
- Post questions you have or photos of your work to get advice directly from other crocheters
- Pinterest:
- Project inspiration and patterns
- Yarn Sub:
- Helps you find good yarn substitutions for projects
Project Resources
- Stitch Fiddle:
- Create grids to design patterns for a variety of crafts
- Center for Artistic Activism:
- Provides free resources for those using art for activism
- Let’s Step It Up! Workshop handout
- Offers a list of prompts to guide you through creating your artistic/crafting activism project
- Has office hours on the last Friday of every month
- Coolors:
- Create your own color palette
- The Data Visualization Catalogue:
- Lists and describes various types of data visualizations
Stats to Stitches projects:
Want to learn how the Stats to Stitches projects were made or to make something similar? Check out the blog posts detailing how they were made.
How to Blog posts:
- Hexagon crochet pattern
- Voter turnout blanket, up to round 3
- Incarcerated voting rights tote bag, round 1
- Vest pattern
- Cost of Congress Vest
Data sources for Stats to stitches projects
- US Elections Project
- Voter Turnout Blanket
- Movement Advancement Project
- Incarcerated Voting Rights Tote Bag
- Open Secrets
- Cost of Congress Vest